Shophouse District will remind us of the 1950s memories, post-World War II era,
when the local economy of Pampanga prospered with the patronage of locals, tourists, and American Soldiers who remained in the district during the postcolonial era of the Philippines (Subic).

6.3 hectares
total land area
98 lots
total number of lots
276 - 680 sqm
lot area range
Design Guideline

Major Components

Events Trade Hall
This is a venue where where design, lifestyle, and the related can exhibit together, and at the same time, fully give life to San Fernando’s events landscape.
An Events Trade Center will be strategic given San Fernando’s proximity to Clark Airport, where trade expos can be done in Capital Town, where foreign buyers can arrive in Clark Airport to avoid the air traffic congestion in Manila.

Central Luzon is not only rich in indigenous materials, it is also rich in local culture and arts.
An amphitheater can be a venue where local talents – singing, dancing, performing arts, and the like can be showcased.Events and concerts can also be held there.
Construction Update
Site Development Plan